
The Royal Albert Dock Liverpool Charitable Foundation

As we look around the vibrant and attractive Dock today, it is difficult to remember that the re-opening of the Albert Dock in 1984 was the first visible sign of the regeneration of the Liverpool Region.  Today it remains for many a symbol of the new life which has been brought to some of our old city institutions. The Dock was granted Royal status in 2018 and this grant also included the charity so we became the Royal Albert Dock Liverpool Charitable Foundation.

The charity was founded in 2014 to use the assets of the Albert Dock for the benefit of the public of the Liverpool City Region.  In our constitution we aspire

  • To advance the education of the public in general and in particular the education of children and young people utilising the range of expertise and resources available at the Albert Dock;
  • To promote for the benefit of the inhabitants of Liverpool City Region and the surrounding area the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure.

The Trustees current commitment is to work with the tenants of the Dock to create opportunities for work and education for young people, from work placements through to training.  We do not make grants or provide financial support, but we provide access to the assets of the Royal Albert Dock in the form of space, time and expertise. Details of how to contact us are on the "Get in Touch" page of this website.

Helen Roberts
